Becoming Integral Men

I have been involved with men’s work for over 15 years, started two men’s groups, and am working on a Ph.D. in men’s work. What I have found is that once you peel back the verniers of society and get to the core of who we are, there are some key things that show up for all of us. Those include feeling strong and capable in our bodies. The ability to be productive and be looked to as the expert. To be more connected to our partners, children, and friends. To make a difference in the world. To stand up for our beliefs and be able to speak our truth with courage. And, to engage in a Spiritual life that is based on a connection with the sacred, the divine, however that is defined for each of us. These are some of the truths I’ve encountered in all men, regardless of religious, cultural, or political background and these are some of the pillars this course will explore and invite men to dig into in deep and meaningful ways as we become more integral in all aspects of our lives.

As men age, there is something that calls to us that no amount of money, prestige, awards, power, relationships, or stuff can fill. It comes from deep within us, from our core, sacred, holy self. It is the invitation from our soul that transcends all else. It is the invitation to connect with the divine and remember who we really are and what we have to share with the world.

Mark J. Platten

What does it mean to become an Integral Man? How would your life be different if you were a whole, complete being in all areas of your life? This course will help you move towards that goal so that you show up in relationships, work, as a father, and in your connection with the divine as a fully-realized man.

Course Outline

This program focuses on helping men rebuild their relationship with themselves. Really identifying who you are, what patterns you’ve fallen into, and stepping beyond the victim/villain/savior triangle to claim your power, with the goal of becoming whole, or integral. This course incorporates Jungian psychology, relationship research, men’s motivation and discipline techniques, and indigenous spiritual concepts to awaken the Fully Integral Man.

7 Modules over 7 weeks including:

  1. Getting to Know Yourself in the Physical Dimension

  2. Exploration of the fully embodied Mental Dimension

  3. Healing Your Wounds in the Emotional Dimension

  4. Connection and Finding Purpose in the Spiritual Dimension

  5. Exploring the 13 Archetypes in the Wheel of a Man’s Life

  6. Where are you on the Wheel and Tools for Success

  7.  Envisioning and Creating a Fulfilled Life

If you want to be placed on the wait list and notified when the next course opens, please fill out the form below and click the “submit” button.


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